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Rar Ziyarat Aale Yasin Book Full Utorrent


N/A. Please edit the question. 2nd Try: What is ziyarat aale yasin? The Quran tells us that God will reward those who read it during their lives on earth with "a garden of bliss" in paradise (Q47:15). However, if one is not able to read or memorize the Quran, then there are other ways to attain salvation. One of these ways is by visiting the grave of the Prophet Muhammad and reading aloud from what you remember at his shrine. There are many benefits of ziyaraa (visiting) for both oneself and others through one's actions or duas (prayers). The Ahlul Bayt (peace be upon them) pray for us and we pray for them; they give us spiritual sustenance and we give spiritual sustenance to them as well as those who visit them. It is an opportunity for those who will die without the opportunity to memorize the Quran to still do so. It is a way that those who can read can avoid forgetfulness and their hearts will not dilute their knowledge of the Quran. It is also a means for one's "spiritual elevation" after his prayer. He gains benefits from both this world and the world to come. He will be given his record in his right hand and will be called for rewards by the most compassionate of all the compassionate: God Almighty. It is a means to intercede on behalf of one's own and others' sins and mistakes, and it is a means for forgiveness from God Almighty. It is a way to approach God Almighty, Who has said in His Glorious Book: "...whoever desires [to meet] their Lord - let them do good deeds and not associate any partners [in worship with Him]:..." Quran, 18:110 Ziyarats are divided into several types. Some are voluntary while others are obligatory. Some ziyarats are prescribed by the almighty and some are recommended by the infallible (peace be upon them). The obligatory and voluntary ziyarats:The recommended and forbidden types:It is necessary for one to perform ghusl (or wudu) before entering the shrine. Then one may enter and walk around it as he pleases. When finished, he may sit near it and begin reading from any part of the Quran. If one is unable to read himself, he may hire someone else to do so. However, if one cannot read at all or cannot hire someone to do so, then he can just read aloud whatever he remembers from the Quran. Ziyarats in general, and in particular aale yasin, are a source for forgiveness for oneself and others. Whenever one intends to visit the shrine of the Prophet (peace be upon him), he must say: For himself:For others: Ziyarats are recommended as well as obligatory. In fact, it is necessary to perform ziyara at least once a year because it purifies one's heart from sins and brings one closer to God Almighty. The following tradition from the prophet is related regarding ziyarats:  "Perform ziyarat on the day of 'Ashuraa' because there will be an opening between Heaven and Earth on that day. cfa1e77820

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