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You work hard for your paycheck, but do you earn what you're worth? We all know that there are people out there who are just plain lazy. Maybe some people have it easy in life, but not you. You've got responsibilities to take care of and things to worry about on a daily basis. And while your taxes and rent, along with the rest of life, may seem pretty daunting to you at times, what about someone who's making $2,500 per month or even just $700? How would that feel? To think that there are people out there barely making enough to get by and yet they're complaining about hardships? If they just did a few things however such as get a job not only would they manage to pay their bills but also get something of value for their money. Do you like your job? Many people would say that they don't like their job. And yet they'll spend most of their day doing it anyway. It's because the pay checks are the only thing that matters to them, not the job itself. Sometimes money isn't always worth what it's worth. The same can be said about some jobs. The same thing can be said about people too. If you were to compare the things that people get out of life to the things that they do, would your list also include your job? How often do you find yourself saying "this really sucks"? But what if I told you that there are people out there who actually like their current jobs? If this is the case then why isn't everyone all over them by now? Maybe it's because they're just fortunate enough to have gotten their current job through connections or hand-picked by the higher-ups at their company. With all of these perks come responsibilities though. You can't make a mistake when you're in a high-ranking position, if anything goes wrong then it'll be your fault. What would you do if you were in charge of something, let's say a work project for example? You may have been given the option to do it your way or someone else's way. Which would you choose? It's much easier to just sit back and follow someone else's lead. But what benefits would there be in doing so? Would this person actually consider your opinions and if so, how often? After all, you've got to start somewhere right? The higher up the ladder someone is, the less likely they are going to listen to anything that anyone beneath them has to say. cfa1e77820

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